Bad Bluffs In Poker You Should Avoid

Bad Bluffs In Poker

Bluffing is an important component of poker that makes the game very interesting. Yet, it remains a complicated subject. As a result, many factors can contribute to the way bluffing can be used in the game. When bluffing is used in the wrong way, it can cost you a lot of money.

There are no rules that guide how and when to bluff in the game of poker. As a result, it is never wrong to understand when NOT to bluff. Besides avoiding mistakes when you play poker, it is equally important to know the wrong time to bluff and how to avoid these situations. This comprehensive guide will take a deep insight into this. So, keep on reading!

Why is Bluffing Important?

Bluffing is the part of poker strategy that all players – even non-poker players – often believe they can pull off. Essentially, bluffing is an act of deception. It is adopted to make a weaker hand stronger than it actually is. This is done with the hope of getting an opponent to fold.

Bluffing is one of the components of the game that makes it very interesting. Simply put, without bluffing, poker will be boring and it will generally be unbeatable. This is especially true if your opponents pay attention.

Your playing style – which might rely heavily on making strong hands – will be too easy to exploit. With bluffing, you can conceal what you have and exploit your opponent’s weaknesses. Yet, it is equally important to know when to bluff, how to bluff, and how often bluffing is required.

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In addition, to make the most of your bluffing strategies, it is imperative that you realize the different bad bluffs in poker to avoid. Some of these are explained as follows: 

Don’t Bluff Against Poker Fish

When you make use of advanced bluffing techniques against recreational players, you are likely to lose money while playing poker. When you play against recreational players, ensure that you don’t bluff if you wish to improve your poker results. Regardless of how good the bluff is or the bet size you use, a recreational player is likely going to call down with their third paid or something strange. 

Bluffing is often intended to force stronger hands than yours to fold. As a result, this ensures that bluffing against recreational players is never a good idea. If they have a playable hand, they wouldn’t balk at playing them. They would be eager to call you down with inaccurate pot odds. 

It is also worth noting that others wouldn’t act a certain way just because you would act in the same way. When you play poker, the objective is to win money. Always remember that recreational players can sacrifice some money just to have fun. For them, it is boring to fold. When a big call or a river card is hit, they get excited.

Away from this, top sites like Bet365 offer free bets for their players. Knowing how to get a free bet at Bet365 can be beneficial. This is also true even if you do not bluff enough.

Don’t Bluff on Wet, Coordinated Boards

When your opponent finds it hard to connect with the board meaningfully, you are more likely to get successful with your bluffing. For this reason, since it is impossible to see the hold card of your opponent, it is imperative to understand if it is possible or not. Try to understand the board runout you can see. From there, you can make an inference on how well it can connect with the perceived range of your opponent.

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When the board is wet and coordinated, you should not be too willing to bluff. After all, there are various ways for opponents to connect with the board. On the other hand, when the board is drier, your bluff is more likely to work. This is because there are a lot of missed draws in your opponent’s range.

Don’t Bluff Against Uncapped Ranges

Bluffing is intended to make opponents fold. This is what they will likely do when they have a weaker hand. Then, it makes no sense to attempt to players who have displayed certain strengths about their hand. The most important thing is to attack players who have shown the strength of the upper limit of their hands. This should be based on the series of actions taken in the hand. What this implies is that bluffing is more reasonable against players with capped ranges. However, you should never bluff players that have capped ranges.


Bluffing is one of the components of poker that make the game interesting. However, before you learn how to bluff, you should understand what not to do when you wish to bluff. This is what the guide has explained extensively.

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