This article discusses the pros and cons of learning C++, which is a programming language that has been around since before many of us were born.
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into the possibilities.
Advantages and Disadvantages of C++
With the introduction of C++, there are two faces that it needs to run. You can even discover the pros and cons of using it.
Advantages of C++
1. Portability
C++ full course provides the feature of portability or platform independence, which allows programmers to run the same program on different operating systems with ease. Say you write a program in LINUX OS and for some reason have to switch to Windows OS–you can run the same program on windows as well without any errors. This feature is quite convenient for the programmer.
2. Object-oriented
One of the most significant advantages to C++ is the object-oriented programming model, which includes concepts like classes, inheritance, polymorphism, data abstraction, and encapsulation. These features not only make it easier for you to reuse code but increase your programs’ reliability. It helps us deal with real-world problems by thinking about data as objects. C lacks this core feature but was created because of its significance, proving to be an important milestone in computer science history. You’ll find this feature can be applied to a wide range of job prospects and technologies. It’s fascinating to see that C++ came from combining features from both C and Simula 67, the first object-oriented programming language.
3. Multi-paradigm
C++ is a multi-paradigm programming language that includes logic, structure, and procedure. It also has paradigms of design including imperative and object-oriented programming, which are known as the three primary types of program design in C++. Knowing more about these systems will lead to a better understanding of what generic programming means in C++.
The global popularity of C++ has spurred interest in its use. For instance, the use of C++ makes it possible to be used through embedded systems and software developing processes.
4. Low-level Manipulation
C++ gives the programmer total control over memory management. This can be seen as both an asset and a liability, depending on how it’s used. The language uses pointers to manage memory more efficiently.
C++ has an active community of people on paid sites like Coursera and StackOverflow, as well as free sites such as YouTube. Statistically speaking, it’s the 6th most used language on both of these platforms.
5. Memory Management
A lot of C- and C++ -compiled programs are compatible with each other. With the proper compiler, practically every valid C++ program can also be compiled from a program in the .cpp file format.
6. Large Community Support
Scalability refers to the ability a software program has to scale. It means it can run on a small as well as a large scale of data and it’s also capable of resource intensive applications. We value building these kinds of software, too.