How to Manage an Account on Facebook Effectively: Top 9 Advices

Properly maintaining a public on Facebook is a very difficult job that requires almost continuous involvement. The interest of readers and good page traffic is the result of a complex and intense process of filling the public with quality content. But these are far from all the components of success in maintaining a page.

In order to achieve truly impressive results, you need to know certain algorithms of the social network. Along with this, having a purpose to dilute the page on Facebook and decorate it, you can use a special facebook header template.

Step #1: Choose Quality Content

Visitors to this resource are whimsical and picky: fuzzy images, ineptly edited videos or illiterately written text will negatively affect the profile image. Your messages will either go unnoticed or become a victim of trolling.

Step #2: Publish Posts During the Period of the Highest Activity of Subscribers

The built-in tool will help with this – statistics: it reflects information about when the bulk of visitors visit your page: at this time it makes sense to publish posts. Do not resort to regular copying of information from other social networks

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Noticing this, the Facebook audience will understand that it is not a priority for you, which can provoke ignoring posts or unsubscribing.

Step #3: Keep Track of Post Volume

It is impossible to determine the optimal post length for the feed on this resource, but you can test the reaction of users to your posts. At first, it is worth alternating notes of different sizes in order to understand which of them are most attractive to users.

Step #4: Post Real Information About Yourself on Your Profile

Inactive links, irrelevant data, lack of reliable facts give a distorted picture of the owner of the page, and it is necessary that this information make it easier to find a profile, information about you and your activities.

Step #5: Get Creative with Your Cover Design

In order to draw attention to the page will help:

  • corporate identity: it will make the brand recognizable;
  • combining the cover and profile photo – this will create a holistic image;
  • a single style in the design of posts and the page as a whole.

This is a necessary condition if you want the profile to sell services or promote a personal brand.

Step #6: Illustrate Publications

A post with illustrations attracts more attention. This is facilitated by infographics that tell about your activities. Visual images will make the message feed more interesting and will allow you not to overload it with texts.

Step #7: Track Monthly Statistics

Track the reaction of the audience to publications: consider the number of likes, comments, reposts. Publish the information that is most popular, publish it more often, and remove the information that is left without attention from long-term plans.

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Step #8: Attach a Voiceover to Your Video

Take into account that video materials are no less important than textual information.

However, visitors to the resource usually view the tape with muffled sound or turn it off. In addition to nice pictures, they have access to the information that you want to convey, use subtitles.

You can do this by uploading a video to YouTube and activating automatic narration generation.

Step #9: Don’t Ignore Resource Rules

To ensure that your contests and ads do not fall under the sanctions of the Facebook administration and are not blocked, carefully read the rules of this social network.

Try different options, experiment, be creative in creating pages – make your profile recognizable!

You can do this by uploading a video to YouTube and activating automatic narration generation.


In general, when creating publications for social networks, you should not forget about balance. The best solution is to always be yourself. Fight for the attention of your target audience, share useful and inspiring content, and don’t forget to talk about yourself: your ups and downs, new skills and experiences.

Along with this, you will be able to earn good money from your Facebook posts and ads in the future. However, in order to implement this, you must build a reputation with users and offer some kind of resource.



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